Pauls Boutique Event PBESBE 2016

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Hi there Lovely’s

Last week I went to the Pauls Boutique event in Amsterdam to which I got invited from the PBSB class of 2016. The day started off with a gathering hour in which champagne was served and the bands were given to the bloggers and vloggers.


I went to the event with my sister and a friend of mine who blogs as well. After the gathering hour we started with some presentations in which information was given about certain things besides Paul’s Boutique (bol & influentials). Influentials is a PR network in which bloggers can collaborate with certain brands. The brands post a message on the influentials page and you as a blogger can press the bottom ‘interested’. In this way you can collaborate with many different brands and explore your network. Bol designed a partner program for bloggers in which they can link their product to their own partner page. An employer from bol came by to explain this concept.

After these presentation we had about an hour to walk around and participate to the different things at the event. There was a possibility to do your hair and make-up, Sophie de Ruiter was there who made a quick drawing of some items of yours. I chose for a drawing of my Daniel Wellington watch. It is just amazing to see that she can make such beautiful pieces in such a shot amount of time.


This is another drawing from Sophie de Ruiter which is just as amazing as the other one. This was is made with more colors which gives a different touch to the piece of art.


I am totally in love with the colors of the drawing and the details in it. She works with different colors, shades, lines and shadow views. She just looks at the item, starts drawing and finishes within a few minutes. You can find all her beautiful pieces at her Instagram and her own website which will soon be online.

The designer of LIV Planners was also there who gave information about her product. The LIV planner is a really cool product. It is an agenda, planner and time planner all in one. I am totally in love with the design of this planner.


The idea behind this planner is to create an overview in your head. It contains all the different parts you are busy with in life. It contains a space for your daily time schedule. It contains place for the blogposts you have to write or post online. It has place for notes, just the perfect combination of all the things you need. I am personally a total fan of this amazing peace of work. It is pretty big but not heavy at all, didn’t expect that when I first saw it. I would totally recommend this piece since its so handy and clear, and he admit it it is just a beautiful piece on your desk and in your bag.

For this event there was a special Blogger bag designed for us. The link to the bag can be found right HERE. I made a short video of the showdown of the new bag which can be found right here: IMG_6479





What do you guys think of the bag?

Have a lovely day!

XOXO Arielle Dannique




Arielle Dannique
Arielle Dannique


  1. April 10, 2016 / 12:40 pm

    Ziet er een leuk event uit! En die tas is zo mooi en vrolijk. (:

    • admin
      April 10, 2016 / 8:36 pm

      Het was echt super gezellig! Ja gaaf is ie he! Ik ben zelf niet zo van de rugtassen vandaar dat ik hem als handtas draag!


  2. April 11, 2016 / 12:33 pm

    De tas is zoooooo mooi! Jammer dat ik er niet bij was!

    • admin
      April 11, 2016 / 2:13 pm

      Ja gaaf he! Ja inderdaad super jammer, hopelijk ben je er de volgende keer wel bij!

      Liefs XX

    • admin
      April 15, 2016 / 12:32 pm

      Lief dankje!


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