Hotspot #12 Creme Coffee & Pastry


Are you guys ready for some food, a good place and some great drinks? You are at the right spot now!! This time I went to creme where I enjoyed a great lunch. We ordered some wraps, a quiche and some smoothies and coffee’s. Everything was super fresh and tasty. I am a green lover, I just enjoy eating healthy. I feel it on my body but not only that, I just like the taste. Creme has a really cool concept called food sharing, it means what it says. You choose the food you want and one dish at the same time. You can share it together and go onto the next one or keep it to one if you just go for a small bite. You can find the full menu right HERE so you can have a look at what you would like.


I can talk forever about my love for food but I thought it would be better to share some shots about this great meal with you guys.

Ranking Time

Service // ★★★★

Food  //   ★★★★★

Spot //     ★★★★

The lunchroom also started with diner so this is something for later! The lunchroom is located in the city centre of Den Bosch. Find there website right HERE.

Once your around go have a look!!

XX ArielleDannique 

Arielle Dannique
Arielle Dannique

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