Christmas Recap

Christmas Recap

Hi Loves, Hope you all had an amazing Christmas! I have not been active on social media since I wanted to enjoy every moment with my family as many of you probably did. I have made a recap of the past two days for you guys. I celebrated both days of Christmas with way too much food, sweets and drinks, just the perfect way to spend Christmas. I was also lucky to get an amazing cake by jeeigentaart with a rainbow filling. It was so so good, not even possible to describe with words. After the cake we unpacked all the presents underneath the Christmas tree and enjoyed a great glass of Champagne. We continued with dinner where we had way too much food and ended with a nice desert. From greens to meat to cheese to sweets and so on. On the second day we did the same, again a lot of food, nice drinks, love and family! Hope you also had an amazing Christmas. I am already looking forward to New Years Eve are you?? I will be posting an inspiration post about New Years Eve Outfit ideas so stay tuned if you would like to see that. Have a lovely Night, With Love Arielle By ArielleDannique! ★★★★★

Arielle Dannique
Arielle Dannique

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Thanks For Visiting My Blog And Reading My Stories, Hope To See You Again Soon! X Arielle By ArielleDannique