I am a huge fan of making new recipes for lunch. I always look around for healthy but good tasting and filling things to eat for lunch. My number one favorite is making my own vegetable soup. It is just so good and filling too. Besides I like to have a piece of bread every now and than and mix it up with some different salads. For the salads I love to experiment as well. Especially between winter and summer. During Summer I eat it almost every single day sometimes even for Diner. I was wondering about your favorite lunch and would love to read your recipe in the comments down below. If you need any recipe from my lunches let me know!! Love Arielle By ArielleDannique
Vegetable Soup
Avocado, salad and nuts
Mozarella, Tomatoes & Pesto

A Fresh Salad with greens, onions, tomatoes, nuts, eggs, olives, honey and some cheese.
Bread with paprika, olives and parmesan