Brown & White toned outfit inspo

Brown & White toned outfit inspo

Hi there loves, did you have a nice start of the week?? I don’t know if you have already seen it but I have been nominated for the EUROPEAN FASHION BLOG AWARDS of 2018!! So exciting. On my homepage you can find the link to vote for me. I just wanted to say that I am so grateful for all of you reading, commenting and sharing my posts. I love to hear your opinions on my blog, my content and will try to write something that one of you guys suggested. If you have any questions you know you can always email, dm or contact me any other way!

Hugs & Kisses Arielle By ArielleDannique!

So lets get back to where we were, brown and white colors in outfits. I love to mix and match around with brown tones since I think it makes an outfit look so elegant and ‘warm’. Warm not as in hot for the temperature but as in cozy looking, stylish, elegant etc. Besides white matches super well with any brown colour and makes it look either very elegant or super comfy depending on the type of clothes you are wearing. During Winter season I love to wear big knits (will write a post on that very soon as well), skirts, dresses and big scarfs. Besides I love to combine it with a hat and some nice boots. The animal print has been a trend lately and I must say that I never really liked it. I am not that into panther prints for example. However lately I saw some items and so I kinda started liking it. I am more into the snake kind of prints since I think these can look super elegant as well. Besides the animal prints, square prints have been all over this season. I am a huge fan of this print and could not wait to buy so many different looks. I went all over with them from blazers, to pants to skirts to tops, you name it, I got something like it. It matches super well with my style and it is easy to combine in many different looks which I personally really like. I wear something different every single day, sometimes even twice a day depending on where I need to go. I have listed down some of my favorite items in white and brown toned colors. Let me know what you guys think. I would love to hear about your favorite look for this season!!

Arielle Dannique
Arielle Dannique

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