Controlled Chaos Shiseido Mascara

Hi there loves, how are you all doing? Lately I have been testing the mascara’s by Shiseido. I will tell you a little more today about the looks with the controlled chaos mascara by Shiseido. If you can’t wait for the products you can find the Link to the products right HERE. “Lets Put It On” I use this Mascara every single day for over a month now and I must say that it is really good. I love the full lash effect where my wimpers really stand out. The bigger, the more volume, the more I like it. That…
View PostGoodieBox Feestje

Hii lieverds, dat is alweer een tijdje geleden!! Zoals jullie weten ben ik fan van Goodiebox en ontvang ik regelmatig boxen. Ook vandaag neem ik jullie weer mee in een gezellig feestje om goed je huid te verzorgen. Dit keer heb ik een lekker avondje met mijn zusje ingepland. Iets wat er in de praktijk veel te vaak bij inschiet omdat iedereen het nou eenmaal druk heeft. Ik vind het belangrijk om goed te zorgen voor mijn huid aangezien ik hier nu en later profijt van heb. Keep in mind dat alles wat je nu niet doet qua verzorging later…
View PostBlue Versace By Forzieri

Hi There Loves, How have you been doing lately?? As some of you already know, I have a huge passion for designer items. I just love to save money for them and finish off my looks with these beautiful pieces of art. Designer bags are my biggest weakness. I just love to have different colors, different designs and designers. This time I will tell you a little more about my newest love the Versace Royal Blue Small. I got this one at, find the direct link to the bag right HERE. Prettiest Thing On Earth So, do I need…
View PostHelsinki With Lapponia

Hi There Loves, How Are You All Doing? For the ones following me on Instagram (@arielledannique) know that I went to Helsinki last week. I went there on a press trip with TheImageFactory for Lapponia.We went to visit the factory to see how all the jewels are made and the entire process behind the production of the Lapponia Collections. We started off with a presentation about the brand, the way the collections are made and the artists / creators behind all the pieces. I was very amazed about the way the company works and their spirit behind all the individual…
View PostLeParmentier By Forzieri

Hi There Loves, How are you all doing? Recently I received an AMAZING bag from Forzieri the Yucca Bag from LeParmentier! I am absolutely in love and wanted to share this beauty with you guys. Before I am going to spend all my entausiasme on telling you about the bag, I want to share something even more exciting. I have a discount for you guys!! Discount Details: Use ARIELLE15 to get 15% off on all LeParmentier bags at code will be valid from April 12th (TODAY) till May 24th! ..Bag Details.. First of all, let me show you the…
View PostLondon With Radisson Blu Edwardian

Hi there loves, how are you all doing? For the ones following me on Instagram @arielledannique, know that I visited Londen last Weekend. I arrived Friday Morning and flew back yesterday. During my stay in London, I slept in the Radison Blu Edwardian, Mercer Street First of all, the hotel had the perfect central location. We walked so much during our stay because the location of the hotel made it possible. Not only the location but the entire hotel was perfect. We slept in a corner suite of the hotel. The bed, the bathroom, the space everything was perfect. Lets…
View PostGoodieBox Box Kopen

Hii Guys, het is alweer even geleden dat ik een post heb gedaan omtrent beauty producten. Aangezien ik hier altijd super positieve reacties op krijg leek het mij ook leuk om dit weer te . Ik schrijf deze post in het Nederlands omdat ik Goodiebox hier ook duidelijk onder de aandacht wil brengen. Ik kreeg veel reacties op de Instagram posts dus vandaar dat ik wat leuks ga vertellen hierover. Ik zal de algemene punten wel in het Engels erbij schrijven zodat dit ook voor iedereen te begrijpen is! Goodie Box Wat Is Het? Waar gaat het bij Goodiebox om…
View PostDancing Around Copenhagen with My Jewellery

Hi there Loves. How are you all doing? For the ones following me on Instagram, know that I recently visited Copenhagen. Since I always get a lot of questions about my way of styling and my outfits I thought it would be nice to shoot some looks for you guys and show them right here. This time I am doing a full posts on MyJewellery items. Lets talk about the prints first. As you can see both of the items I am wearing have a lot of prints in it. I love to combine different and the same prints together.…
View PostStatement Earrings By Je Suis Flore

Je Suis Flore, “A Dream Come Through” Je Suis Flore, a handmade jewelry label from the Netherlands made by a Dutch girl named Floortje. Floortje has always had a huge passion for jewelry, both making and wearing amazing pieces. Creating Je Suis Flore was a dream come through. Floortje makes the jewelry pieces herself, searches for the best items to design her jewels with and stands for the perfect quality on all her pieces. Statement Jewelry, “The Way To Go” I recently got a pair of her amazing statement earrings and I am so so excited about them. Its just…
View PostNew Zara Must-haves

Hi Sweeties. As a lot of you always ask me about my outfits and where I get my stuff from I though to do a range on my favorites. Recently I have shopped a lot of items at Zara (no this is not sponsored, I wish) and I thought this would be perfect to share with you guys. All the items that I have put down below are items that I love and are all from the new collection. If you likes my outfits than scroll down to check out some cool looks. Item #1, The leather skinny jeans. Item…
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